God’s LOVE is the greatest LOVE and I am seeing it come alive before my eyes! Who would have ever thought Valentines Day is such a big deal here in Cambodia? I’ve exchanged cards, encouraging words and chocolates with people on past Valentines but I’ve always thought it was a bit twisted. My perspective on Valentines Day in past years has been this: V-Day is just another Hallmark Holiday and an excuse for people to make money. Today, my perspective changed.
All together, my Valentines Day was great! The Lord was involved in everything today! Beginning with language school, then Precious Women, and Daughters. I was surrounded by the love of God today everywhere I went and I could feel it. I was encouraged because my Khmer is improving and I was able to translate at work after just three and a half months in country. One of my girls told me how much she loves her job and how happy she is that I’m there with them and will pray that I get to stay longer. She told me she had “peng chiut” or “full heart” and in that moment I was reminded that I’m here with purpose. Plus, all the staff and clients were given beautiful red roses from management, it was awesome!

Even after all the blessings, my day was topped off because my teammate chose to be obedient to the Lord. In our obedience, we receive blessings. Stephanie is now the supervisor in the afternoons with the lady boys so we work very closely together and are building relationships with these awesome guys! The topic of church came up today when she was talking with them and our church here, New Life Fellowship held a Valentines Day service for the youth. To make a long story short, Stephanie asked them if they were going, they said they wanted to but didn’t have money for transportation, so she connected the dots and made it happen! “Akun preah ohm!” “Praise God!”

We got to the service and had a great time! The church was decorated nicely, we played games, watched a skit, worshiped and the Gospel was shared as our example of true love. Let me tell you, I have never seen anyone jump higher, dance more enthusiastically, laugh more, and be filled with as much joy in the four walls of a church than our boys last night. God’s boys. My friends.
As believers, we are Christ’s bride. He pursues us as a husband pursues his wife. Though we may not except Him at first, He doesn’t stop chasing after our hearts, even unto death. I can see God chasing after these boys, just as He has chased after you and me.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
You Are Loved <3
This was probably my best Valentine’s Day EVER!! I’m sooo glad I got to share it with you and the boys!!!
I missed this blog. what a good day for you guys. relationships are really being built up. the fruit is on it’s way!