
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am writing you this small update on the close of my 4th day in Cambodia. My team and I have a lovely home in the middle of the city. We have been making daily visits to the local market a few blocks down the road. I love the people and the food. There are many things that differ from the U.S. but I still feel strangely at home. We started language school our second day here and it is very difficult because it is different than anything I’ve ever heard before but I’m slowly beginning to catch on. My teammates and I practice with one another often. We took a cultural tour yesterday and saw the place where we will be ministering today (Daughters of Cambodia). It was really neat to see how this organization has been so successful at rescuing woman. I am excited to start working there sometime next month. Tomorrow night we will be joining a ministry called MST (Men and the Sex Trade) that goes right outside of the hot spots for sex tourists and surveys them giving an opportunity to share the Gospel with these men. Though it is easy to hate the men after seeing them with these young girls and seeing the effects of prostitution in their lives, we must remember that they too need redemption. Pray for us as we will be going out tomorrow night to do that ministry. It is from 7pm-1am Cambodia time so please pray for safety for our team as we go out.

I have so much more to share but must go for now!

Pictures and more stories to come…