Today I was reminded several times that God has a plan for each of His children. My day started with hearing the beautiful testimony of a young visitor of mine from an orphanage in Swaziland, Africa. She & one of the long term volunteers from this orphanage were given an amazing opportunity to travel to Cambodia to learn more about some of the work being done here. They are particularly interested in the different approaches of NGO’s and how God is moving in this country. They both shared their testimonies at Bloom Cafe and both have amazing stories of Gods transforming power but I was particularly touched by Joanna’s testimony.
Joanna is about fourteen years old and comes from a very dark background. She courageously shared her story with about forty strangers today. She spoke of how difficult it was growing up and how it was hard to trust others. She told us how she felt like she was a nobody without purpose. But she boldly encouraged everyone with Jeremiah 29:11 that states, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope.” She told us about how God is now working in her and through her and the different gifts he has placed in her to use for His Kingdom. She shared how she now knows she was created as somebody special, with a purpose and that God loves her and has great plans for her life. WOW! I was so touched by this young woman’s ability to trust in the Lord.
This evening, the three of us went aerobic dancing near the Independence Monument and four street kids came up to us begging. They were all filthy wearing ratted clothes and no shoes. I began to ask the children questions & the oldest child Panha, would answer me. I started to ask Panha questions and (assuming Panha was a boy because “he” was dressed in boys clothes and had short hair) asked if “he” knew of the boys center near the river front which is a safe place for street kids where they can go to hang out and learn English. Panha responded, “I’m not a boy. I just cut my hair and dress like a boy to avoid getting raped while I’m out on the streets begging. It’s not safe.”
My heart just about melted though it explained the softness in her beautiful eyes. Panha too, is near Joanna’s age. She was thirteen, without parents and responsible for earning money to take back home to her Aunt who sells water and makes about $0.50 a day. Panha is like many other children in this world who probably feel invisible most of the time. But there was something special about this child, she was not invisible to me and I know she is not invisible to God who loves her and created her with a purpose. There is something sacred and beautiful about each person, especially about a child in their innocence. It is so important to speak life & truth into peoples lives to remind them that they have been created on purpose & with a purpose. Thank you Joanna, for reminding me of that today. Please, join me in praying for Panha that God would protect her & provide for her, so that she too, can walk in the fullness of all that she has been created to be. Amen.
This testimony has truly reminded me of the purpose that God has for me. Its sometimes easy to forget that we were made with a purpose when we become complacent christians. Thank God for the testimony of Panha. May God continue to richly bless her in all things in Jesus name.
Wow. It’s got to be so hard. Thanks for reaching out to Panha. It breaks my heart.