As Elise and I were driving, we decided to take Becca’s mom’s advice and call some churches in the Albuquerque area for a place to rest our heads for the night. Elise began asking around. “Hi, my friend and I are missionaries and we’re stopping in Albuquerque tonight on our way to California. Do you know of anyone who would be willing to take us in for the night?” You could tell she was quite uncomfortable asking, and several churches made it quite evident they did not know how to respond to such a request, but the first church we contacted (Western Heights) ended up finding us a place. We stayed with the Trujillo family in there humble adobe home. We were welcomed with love and a cute little baggies with all types of travel size hygiene products piled in. We sat around their table and talked for a while before we went to bed. They thought we were friends of one of the families at their church from Atlanta, GA, and they discovered we were two random “missionary” college grads who didn’t know a soul from their church but just needed a place to stay for the night. All that matters is that the Holy Spirit knew. The next day we went with the kids downtown where they treated us to Boba Tea (so good) and we explored some of the unique shops lining the street. Little did we know that these strangers who so kindly took us in would soon become friends. I do not believe I have ever been the recipient of such hospitality in my 22 years of life! Before we left, Manuel (the son) gave us 40 extra dollars for gas and food and Tom (the dad) got off work early to come check the oil and tires of my vehicle before we hit the road yet again. He even squeegeed my windows! What an experience, what a family! They didn’t have much to give but they gave it joyfully.

As we got back on the road, Elise and I thought we would make it to Cali without stopping but when we realized we were only 60 miles from the Grand Canyon, we couldn’t resist. Our detour was breathtaking to say the least. We made it by sundown the first day and ended up camping in my car where we ate our leftover biscuits from Cracker Barrel for dinner. The next morning we stopped in McDonalds for breakfast so I could charge my phone and we met a missionary family there from Illinois. They were very encouraging. We gave them our contact info and they said they would be in prayer for us faithfully. It’s so cool to think there are saints around the world praying for us! After breakfast we filled my backpack with pb&j sandwiches and some water and we hiked down into the Grand Canyon where we were engulfed by red cliffs on every side and blown away by the beauty of creation. We then enjoyed the challenge of making it back up the canyon in 40 min huffing and puffing but we did it! I was reminded while there of how small and insignificant we seem but how God has given each of us purpose. That is definitely a huge mystery that will boggle my mind forever.

After our Grand Canyon experience, we hopped back in the car and drove the remainder of the way home. On the way however, God was not done impressing us. We were worshiping in the car and the sun began to burst through the clouds in a way I have never seen before (I thought Jesus was returning at that very moment). Then the sky became very dark and lighting began to strike as the sun was beaming through the clouds behind us and to the left we witnessed an incredible rainbow brighter in color than I’ve ever seen. It was astonishing! In that moment, I was confident God was leading us and would continue doing so. When we arrived home, we realized how perfect the trip was. We had just enough food and water to get by and the exact amount of cash I had was exactly what we used for gas. We were both awed by how perfect our trip turned out and the only planning we did was to be spontaneous and follow God’s lead. As some of my friends would say, “that’ll preach!” We topped off our adventure by dining at a Cambodian restaurant in Long Beach the next day. The few days Elise and I spent traveling the western hemisphere was a foreshadowing of what I believe God is going to do concerning our move to Cambodia. He will meet all our basic needs while exceeding our expectations. All we have to do is TRUST!
This was such an awesome story to read. I was soo intrigued. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing adventure! It is soo awesome to see how God showed up so many ways and blessed you and Elise the whole trip home! So cool!
Love you Amarja! HUG
WOW!!! That is such an amazing story. I would never have thought to do that. And that the gentleman came home from work early to check your car and even CLEAN the window – that takes the cake! Challenges me to be Christ in a new way.