I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone! I leave Kids Across America in 8 days. Let me recap: I just graduated from PBA with a degree in Cross Cultural Studies (May 8th), drove the next week to the middle of nowhere Missouri to work at a camp for the summer and will be moving to Cambodia in the fall. This has been a crazy time of transitions, frustrations, doubts, fears, trust, prayer and incredible growth. God has been showing me myself, stripping me, challenging me and equipping me for future ministry. It has been difficult to see myself living in another country by the end of the year because I have been shut off from the outside world for over two months now and have been questioning how everything is going to work out. Despite my doubts and my fears God continues to send me reminders of His faithfulness. He has brought me confirmation concerning the ministry we will be doing and that there are people who are eager to support the great commission. As I have been ministering to my campers (17 year old inner city girls) God has allowed me to see the beauty in His creation and that each girl has a calling and a purpose but can not fulfill it unless they recognize their worth but they won’t know it unless they are told. There is so much brokenness among these young woman in the US who have access to the Gospel, I can’t help but ponder to what degree of brokenness the Cambodian sex workers suffer. They need the love of Christ! I am compelled and so excited that I have the opportunity to share it with them! This journey the Lord has placed me on is an exciting one! I have an incredible peace that despite the lack of time I have had to support raise, I am right where I need to be and that is encouraging. Please continue to pray that the Lord will provide all my needs and that I would continue to find comfort in the fact that He has everything under control!